• NO freaks NO weirdos!! gtfo inc3st/ped0s!

  • queerphobes, terfs, racists, misogynists ableists fascists etc. whatever gtfo also!!

  • though, as a southeast asian, wont follow white anglo/western-centric world view

  • proship/anti(?) pls im too old for online shipping discourse

  • children under 16 shouldnt be here im too old for you also

📍 byf 📌


there used to be a list here but not anymore! :') moved to other sites nowi really like s&f (bad), old-school vocaloids and retro games/tech! also a fan of cheesy 8x9x vpop hahaha

this is more of a landing/general carrd. my interests are listed in details on my spacehey (but it is messy...very) & my vocaloid stuff is on my strawpage guestbook! :) i also have a bunch of pages for s&f theyre the death of me x_x


hey hey hey!!
its ya boy tp back again!

i heart old web & tech & computers, physical & obscure medias, lowpoly love-de-lic-esque games & singing programs & sách báo cũ mực tím hoa học trò các thứ các kiểu... mấy thứ sến chuối 8x9x hồi đó thấy ghê bây giờ nhìn lại thấy siêu hay hahai love watching lengthy videos abt various topics but mostly games im into, usually are indie or old-school titles. i like ps1-2 pspv, ds3ds games; retro pc programs & generally things back in the old tech eras of the early 2000si like images & sounds & music & movies. its fun playing around with the people we made up in our mind too :] i share a world with friends + have multiple for myself its literally DA BEST!!

boy who is so scared all the time. boy who is scared of eevrythign in the world ever... but boy who loves you! ^.^ and boy who is Your Friend.crazyass autist im a freak im a sicko im. insane, but i am fun and free... (SELF-INFLICTED MENTAL TERROR)my most specialest interestest are the two belgian reporters they piss me off they MAKE ME ILL!! >_<"

^ doing this to you

my tumblr pin kinda pretty silley so again
now just some photos that are #tpcore #me

congrats! found secret page! (note: not so secret actually. dont feel too good abt it)

time for my kin list!

  1. matsuno osomatsu (id. 4ever)

  2. roman roy but im broke & asian

  3. boys with parental issues. brother characters. adhd manchildren. autistic thangs... insert 69420 others here that im too ashamed of to reveal (saved u guys from the illness)

  4. my main ocs. all of them

  5. any guys named jake

  6. honestly i'd kin everyone idc i love being a kinnie i love kinning sm its like hehehe thats me now. DONT TAKE MY KIN LIST TOO SERIOUS THOUGH! i find them relatable theyre just like me fr is all

and here is my fav list! for contrast :]

  1. spirou et fantasio (theyre one person) (thats their full name)

  2. was going to list character names but changed my mind. rotate them all in my head except for. Those Two (yikes!) ANDDD my bokkaroidos :) yikes

  3. shitty pathetic bastards. shivering wet beast. mentally ill freaks. autism-pilled weirdos I LOVE ALL AUTISTICS!!! #autism4all

  4. tomboyish loud dumbass mean bitches. BUTCHES... old men yuri? Girls. faggots?! DEGENERATE BISEXUAL TRANSGENDERS.

  5. my main ocs. some of them

  6. my friends get a free pass idc if ur not fictional. ur my favs 4ever


website/homepage placeholder lolnhà báo phú tân
spifan carrd
spacehey! madness
strawpage! guestbook
↻✸tiệm cơm! comms info - OPEN! :D pls check


↻✸facebook page! my,, "main page" ...?main tumblr! other blogs in pinned posttwitterinstagram

final destination reached. you're done!
time to get off the ride and enjoy your day, dear strangers. glad you took the time to learn all there is to know about me! but do i know you...? bit freaky isnt it. but that's food for another time. we'll meet again! i promise.
bye bye now :3